Explore,Play, Learn!

Product Highlights

Diverse & Interactive Content Library

Skill based Learning Pathway

Global Learning Community

Local Curriculum Alignment

Why change the way we learn?

The leaky STEM pipeline presents a critical challenge as disengagement disrupts the natural flow of talent. As interest wanes, learners veer away from these essential fields, obstructing the continuous flow of diverse talents into STEM careers. The consequences are far-reaching, impeding innovation, hampering economic growth, and hindering society's ability to tackle complex global challenges. 

Our Solution to this conundrum

  • A cross-platform app that mirrors the accessibility of Netflix, delivering a revolutionary approach to STEM education
  • Fusion of interactive mini-games, captivating AR simulations, and engaging narrative concepts
  • Collaboration with local educators to align content to curriculum standards
  • Digital Skill Badges
  • Skill-based learning pathways tailored to suit diverse learner needs

Pilot Underway

New Zealand, Australia and Singapore

We are currently piloting the platform for intermediary age children. Our team is on the lookout for collaborations with local STEM educators to curate content and are seeking early adopter educational institutions for beta test